Mindfulness: the power of your mind

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Mindfulness is known to many as meditation. However, although mindfulness and meditation may share aspects, including some of their benefits, mindfulness focuses on being aware of what’s happening to you in this very right moment, not in the past or the future.


Acceptance is an attentive state and a psychological construct which refers to embracing your thoughts and feelings, including the sensations caused by a situation. This principle holds that the way you approach reality and the quality of how you act will impact your results.


BDS mindfulness the power of your mind

Mindfulness allows you to connect with what is happening in your life right now, and focus on the present. You need to pay attention to what you’re feeling and doing: things that you usually ignore because they’ve become a part of your routine. This technique helps individuals to have a clearer and more reasoned vision of the world.

For Japanese people, mindfulness comprises two essential elements: mind and heart. So the best translation of this psychological technique is heart-mindfulness.

You only need five minutes to start your journey to acceptance and awareness, find out how:

Benefits of Mindfulness:

  • Among its many benefits, you can find that mindfulness
  • Reduces anxiety, depression, irritability, stress, and high blood pressure.
  • Strengthens your immune system.
  • Reduces the impact of chronic diseases.
  • Increase your body and mind energy.
  • Allows you to build and maintain meaningful and high-quality relationships.

Studies about Mindfulness:

The mindfulness technique is growing in popularity and has been used to help people undergoing different circumstances, such as alcohol and drug dependency.

Furthermore, a recent study indicates that Mindfulness could help people who are overweight. Forman’s study group is performing clinical trials that could prove that people willing to lose weight who practice Mindfulness can lose 13% more weight than those who don’t follow this practice.

During the study, individuals were invited to choose their own values based on goals instead of aiming for a specific target weight. This way participants focused on what matters most to them and how being overweight prevents them to achieve their dreams. Since the urge to eat can come from everywhere, weight loss is about having control.

According to Dr. Steven Heymsfield losing weight is not only about willpower, but also about controlling the strong, overwhelming impulses to eat. Forman suggests that individuals can get help through mobile apps or booster sessions. It’s here where Mindfulness comes to help.

Learn how to control your mind:

BDS mindfulness the power of your mind

Your mind is present in everything you do and reacts, consciously or subconsciously, to stimulus from life. That’s why you need to learn how to control your mind and act rationally to face your feelings in any situation. Mindfulness is a technique still under construction but it has shown excellent results so far and we’ll undoubtedly hear more about this technique in the future.