Live Young Longer

At Bardisa LYL Center, you and your family are and will always be our number one priority. Our mission is to provide you with all you need to live better, healthier, and longer.

Due to the current outbreak of COVID-19 in Miami, we’ve decided to take action and follow the preventive measures issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) to protect your health and that of the members of our family at Bardisa LYL Center.

Currently, we have enabled telephone consultations and check-ups at (786) 305-620-7245, and online consultations via email on this address: All this in the interest of providing you with the best attention and care that has always distinguished the work of Dr. Bardisa and her team.

We remind all our patient community that preventing the spread of the virus is everyone’s responsibility. So, please stay home and call your doctor in case of any symptoms.

Despite the distance, we care about you!

Bardisa LYL Center