Since the first days of lockdown, our daily routines have changed significantly. As time goes on, we need to create new habits that suit the new way we live. Examples include activities such as work, social meetings, and entertainment, which have migrated to the digital world.
Although things keep changing all around the world, your body still needs care. This means a healthy diet, proper hydration, and daily exercise. In this blog post, we have three ways to work out at home, no equipment needed!
At Bardisa LYL Center, we’re a holistic health center, which means that our care goes beyond treating symptoms. We want you to always feel good. While keeping healthy is your concern, preventive healthcare is ours.
What is HIIT?
HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training, an organized exercise routine with short bursts of hard work aimed to increase your cardio’s intensity.
Why is HIIT so popular?
All types of exercises burn fats. However, HIIT has proven to burn more fat in comparison to others.
If you are looking for a routine that helps you keep in shape and lose weight while working out at home, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) could be perfect for you. According to a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, short training sessions with high intensity will help you lose weight faster than continuous moderate exercise.
Other benefits of HIIT:
- Lose body fat faster
- Increase your metabolism
- Boost your endurance
- Better regulation of insulin levels
- Feel stronger
- Feel more energetic
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Sleep better
- Tone muscle
- HIIT workouts can be short and therefore easy to fit into your schedule
Also, HIIT can help with self-confidence and self-esteem, but remember what you eat is important too. A balanced diet with a HIIT routine will give you the benefits you’re looking for.
HIIT Training routine
Some people can confuse HIIT with other types of exercises.
How long should I do HIIT?
This type of training is based on a routine of different exercises. The time of intense workout can last about 30, 60, and 90 seconds. However, some people can do up to 4 minutes of intense exercise. After that time, you need to take a moment to rest. The recovery time and breathing are essential to the routine. Then, you can continue with the intense work. A regular HIIT training routine will last between 20 minutes to 45 minutes (including recovery interval.)
Fitness fans and trainers use what is known as the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE), a scale that describes the exercise’s effort. In the case of HIIT, your effort should be as close to the maximum as possible.**

Even though the intensity of the exercise is essential, so is the quality. Pay attention to your moves and make sure you’re performing them correctly to prevent injuries and make the most of your training.
How many times a week should I do HIIT?
The overall recommendation is to do HIIT 3 days a week with 2 days of non-intensive cardio in between, and two days off.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
HIIT | Regular Cardio | HIIT | Regular Cardio | HIIT | Day off | Day off |
Give yourself time to rest and recover. Remember, if you want to lead to a healthy life, you’ll need to do physical activity, follow a balanced diet, and rest.
Types of exercise to do in a HIIT routine
Most of the common exercises that people include in their HIIT routine are:
- Cycling
- Push-ups
- Run stairs
- Tabata training
- High knees
- Jump Squat
- Jumping Jacks
- Side Squats
- Crunches
- Side lunges
You can try various combinations and do different exercises after resting.
This type of exercise only needs a yoga mat and a comfy space. Here’s a video example, enjoy your routine!
If you suffer from any health condition or have any doubts, remember to ask your doctor before starting training.
We all have heard about yoga, especially in the last 10 years, since its popularity exploded, but do we really know what it is?
Definition of Yoga
Yoga started as a spiritual practice based on Indian philosophy. However, it became a widespread practice around the world throughout the years. Yoga is well-known for improving your mental and physical well-being.
Benefits of Yoga
Yoga sessions have a lot of benefits and not just physical ones! According to World Health, doing yoga reduces anxiety and helps control cortisol levels (the stress hormone.)
This medical journal also points out that doing yoga reduces the risk of suffering from heart disease and has positive effects on melatonin, helping you to sleep better. At the same time, people who practice yoga increase their flexibility and keep in shape. Start your yoga routine today!
In the US, do people practice Yoga?
Yes, they do. According to the national survey in 2017, one out of seven adults enjoys this activity. One out of twelve kids also practice yoga.
Why do Americans practice Yoga?
Based on the national survey data of 2012, most people said they do yoga for reasons related to well-being or to treat a specific health condition.
Some of their opinions are that yoga reduces stress, helps them feel better emotionally, allows them to sleep better and exercise more, and improves their overall health.
People trying to quit smoking and alcohol often also use yoga to help them achieve their goals.
What ages can practice Yoga?
People of all ages can do yoga, from kids to grown adults. However, you need to be aware of your physical limits, so do not try the more complicated poses without an instructor’s help.
Cardio Dance
Cardio is a classic when it comes to exercising. Typically, people do cardio on a treadmill or elliptical machine. However, there is more than one way to do cardiovascular exercise, including at home without any equipment.
What is Cardio Dance?
Cardio Dance is an activity that combines the cardiovascular exercise that you need and pumping music to keep you moving and motivated. Workout your metabolism to the beat of your favorite music! Here’s a routine for you to take the first step, but remember that you can find hundreds of them on YouTube so that you can try a different one every day. They’re a lot of fun, so invite the rest of the family to join you while you do your Cardio Dance routine!
Play your favorite dance music and let a healthy party begin at home.
Working out is only a part of a healthy lifestyle. What comes next?
Physical activity is an integral part of your journey to living younger, better, and healthier. However, you need more than exercise if you want to be healthy longer. Your diet is essential to this end. In fact, working out requires a balanced diet tailored to your specific needs.
At Bardisa LYL Center, we’re a holistic health center, which means that we’re here to take care of you even when you’re not sick because prevention is essential. Our approach includes assisting you in achieving a healthy lifestyle, and dietary help is part of this too! Discover more about our nutrition and weight-loss programs here.
Most of the information presented in this article was taken from Worldhealth.